Euro 2012 Ireland v Italy pre-match ceremony, Poznan iwillwinthelotto 0:31 12 years ago 276 Далее Скачать
Uefa Euro 2012 Italy vs Ireland show before the match @Poznań Stadium, Poland francesco Di Donato 6:29 12 years ago 361 Далее Скачать
I Love Ardara! Ireland V Italy pre game Poznan Euro 2012 jonasnation 6:07 12 years ago 1 154 Далее Скачать
Euro 2012 Italy - Ireland (Poznan/Poland) National Anthem and atmosphere in the stadium Blechdosenschieber 4:23 12 years ago 1 027 Далее Скачать
Euro 2012 Italy vs Croatia 14/06/2012 - Pre-match ceremony & national anthems Hua Wu 11:53 12 years ago 5 057 Далее Скачать
Ireland v Italy 18.6.12 Municipal Stadium, Poznan - Outside stadium before match iwillwinthelotto 0:21 12 years ago 40 Далее Скачать
EURO-2012. Pre-match ceremony Ukraine - Sweden .360.mp4 Сергей Никоненко 7:38 12 years ago 2 227 Далее Скачать
EURO 2012 .. POZNAN FANZONE IMPRESSIONS .. IRISH, CROATIAN AND POLISH PARTY Ultras Channel TifoTV 12:13 12 years ago 24 099 Далее Скачать